News / Our Work

News / Our Work

Networking With Eastern Partnership Civil Society Fellows

Networking With Eastern Partnership Civil Society Fellows

The civil society fellowships supported by the EU in the six countries of the Eastern Partnership has now reached an alumni of 200 Fellows.  Nearly half of these came to...
Supporting EU-funded CSOs in Uzbekistan

Supporting EU-funded CSOs in Uzbekistan

Our expertise is being mobilised to support CSOs in Uzbekistan who are receiving EU funds.  The support includes thematic capacity development and specific assistance for strengthening strategies
Supporting Young Civic Leaders in Eastern Partnership

Supporting Young Civic Leaders in Eastern Partnership

An expert from Eurasia Social Change is guiding a Civil Society Fellowship programme...
Guidelines for CSOs: The Mapping of Donors and Philanthropic Organizations & Guideline for Innovative Funding Methods for CSOs

Guidelines for CSOs: The Mapping of Donors and Philanthropic Organizations & Guideline for Innovative Funding Methods for CSOs

Experts from Eurasia Social Change has compiled two guidelines to support CSOs working in the field of migration and the international protection. These guidelines have...

Stakeholder Engagement Mechanism Trainings

Stakeholder Engagement Mechanism Trainings

This training activity has been organized within the scope of the Migration and Civil Society Project. The Stakeholder Interaction Mechanism was prepared to develop dialogue...

Stronger Civil Society in Migration Management Trainings

Stronger Civil Society in Migration Management Trainings

We have delivered 25 "Stronger Civil Society in Migration Management Trainings" in various cities of Turkey in cooperation with consortium members. Trainings...

Study Visit from the Agency for Civil Society Organizations (ACSO) (Ethiopia) to Turkey

Study Visit from the Agency for Civil Society Organizations (ACSO) (Ethiopia) to Turkey

Civil Society experts from Eurasia Social Change have organised a Study Visit for the Agency for Civil Society Organizations (ACSO) (Ethiopia) to the civil society sector...

Intercultural Dialogue TV Station for a Day

Intercultural Dialogue TV Station for a Day

To celebrate the successful conclusion of the first phase of the EU-Turkey Intercultural Dialogue programme, we arranged an entertaining digital Closing Event, broadcasting more than 3 hours of videos,...
Mobilizing for Empowerment in Ukraine

Mobilizing for Empowerment in Ukraine

Working with UN Women and the Ukraine Women’s Fund, and using our extensive experience of community development work, we have finalized a handbook for practitioners on Community Mobilization for
Capacitating CSOs in Turkey

Capacitating CSOs in Turkey

Within the project ‘Cooperation with CSOs in the Field of Migration’ we have started to roll-out trainings with the International Centre for Migration Policy Development.  Eventually,
Building a Pool of Trainers for CME in Ukraine

Building a Pool of Trainers for CME in Ukraine

15 local development and civic activists kicked off the process of becoming Trainers for Community Mobilization for Empowerment at a 3-day ToT in Kyiv.  The Trainers will develop and deliver their...
Blended Learning: Online and Offline

Blended Learning: Online and Offline

For the staff of the Yunus Emre Institute, based in Ankara and globally, we have developed and piloted a 12-module course on ‘Intercultural Dialogue’.  This pioneering course uses a blend...
Promoting Intercultural Dialogue

Promoting Intercultural Dialogue

With our consortium partners, FCG Sweden and ICE, we started to work with the Yunus Emre Institute to support and promote EU-Turkey Intercultural Dialogue.  The programme was launched at a marvellous...

Another Fabulous Forum!

Another Fabulous Forum!

On 2-3 May 2019, the Sivil Dusun team hosted hundreds of CSO members and activists at its National Forum in Ankara.  The Forum participants debated Civil Society Futures and explored innovative...

Civil Society Days In 20 Cities Across Turkey

Civil Society Days In 20 Cities Across Turkey

Since 2018, the Directorate for Civil Society Relations in Turkey has been running Civil Society Days across the country in order to explore ways in which the public sector can better cooperate with...

Civica Mobilitas National Forum in North Macedonia

Civica Mobilitas National Forum in North Macedonia

Last year the new Prime Minister, Zoran Zaev, participated in Civica Mobilitas’ national forum, and the tradition will be continued with this May’s forum again hosting the PM. Civica...
CSOs Actively Supporting Rural Tourism in Armenia

CSOs Actively Supporting Rural Tourism in Armenia

One of our consultants is part of a team provided by IBF to monitor and support CSOs in Armenia which are stimulating inclusive rural development through tourism initiatives.  This Spring, World...

Assessing Capacities of CSOs Working on Migration & International Protection

Assessing Capacities of CSOs Working on Migration & International Protection

Eurasia Social Change has just started a new EU-funded project which, amongst other things, will assess and support the capacity development of CSOs in Turkey providing services and advocacy for
